Gum Disease & Bad Breath
We may decide on more aggressive treatments that are intended to eliminate or lessen the quantity of plaque and bacterial toxins that have accumulated below the gum line after a comprehensive screening and examination for periodontal disease (tooth cleaning and polishing are typically performed above the gum line of the patient's teeth). Curettage, root-planing, and/or medication distribution to the afflicted gums at the specific site are necessary to do this. The technique of removing the soft tissue around the tooth is called "curettage." This tissue, which is situated farther below the visible gum line, becomes inflamed over time due to bacteria and must be removed for the healing process to proceed without hiccups. To provide the soft tissue lining that is mending a clean, contamination-free surface, a technique called root-planing involves removing and smoothing away small portions of the root surface.
These two therapies are often administered at the same time. Our highly skilled hygienists execute these operations professionally in compliance with Cedar Dental Center's prescription, which may need the use of local anesthesia.
Gum disease does not develop overnight, and treatment often has to be continued over time. This is because it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of subsequent activities. Usually, your health will be reassessed over time, and you and your doctor will decide on your next course of action. In the case that surgery is necessary, a referral to a specialist (periodontist) could be necessary. Surgery often leads to a significant improvement in the prognosis, a decrease in tooth movement, and a complete repair of the jaw and bone.
The hygiene team at Cedar Dental Centre will work with you to make sure you get the treatment that best suits your needs. They will also help you improve your skills in at-home care so you can keep enjoying the desired level of oral health.